OVPR Research & Creative Grant Recipients

Research & Creative Grant Recipients

Marina Peterson

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Anthropology
Project Title: Weathering Uncertainty: Rainmaking in the American West


Dalpat Singh Rajpurohit

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Asian Studies
Project Title: Devotional Religion and Hindi Literature in the Making of Marwar


James Slotta

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Anthropology
Project Title: The Analogue Life of Digital Misinformation: Communicating Health Expertise in Papua New Guinea


Denton Walthall

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Classics
Project Title: The Swenson Digitization Project: Creating an Open Access Resource for UT's Swenson Collection of Ancient Coins


Y. Jessie Zhang

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Molecular Biosciences
Project Title: CRISPR screening to target REST transcription factor as a novel treatment for Glioblastoma


Jacob Wegmann

College/School: School of Architecture
Department: Architecture
Project Title: New Houses on the Old Block: An Assessment of Emergent Recent Housing Forms in Intensifying Urban Neighborhoods


Jakki Bailey

College/School: School of Information
Department: Information
Project Title: Examining Children's Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Responses to Virtual Reality


Joshua Childs

College/School: College of Education
Department: Educational Leadership and Policy
Project Title: Broadening Participation in CS Education: How School Leaders' Support Equity-Focused CS Teaching and Learning


Ronald Covey

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Anthropology
Project Title: Building a Comprehensive Archaeological Database for the Inca Heartland


J. Brent Crosson

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Religious Studies
Project Title: The Other Anthropocene: Race, Climate, and the Cosmopolitics of Energy in the Southern Caribbean


Molly Cummings

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Integrative Biology
Project Title: Coping Styles and the Brain


Hugh Daigle

College/School: Cockrell School of Engineering
Department: Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
Project Title: Predicting Microbial Gas Abundance on the U.S. East Coast


Andrew Garrison

College/School: Moody College of Communication
Department: Radio-Television-Film
Project Title: Because I'm Here: Post Production


Xiaobo Lu

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Government
Project Title: Mobilized Compliance: The Origins of Authoritarian Party Resilience


Sandro Sessarego

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Spanish and Portuguese
Project Title: Afro-Veracruz Spanish: African Diaspora and Creole Genesis


James Tunnell

College/School: Cockrell School of Engineering
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Project Title: Multimodal Confocal Microscope for Surgical Guidance


Zong-Liang Yang

College/School: Jackson School of Geosciences
Department: Earth and Planetary Sciences
Project Title: Development of Machine Learning-based Transient Datasets of Wind and Solar Farms for Use in Earth System Modeling


Su Yeong Kim

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Human Ecology
Project Title: COVID-19 Stress Profiles, Stress Responses, and Health in Mexican American Emerging Adults


Alan Kuperman

College/School: LBJ School of Public Affairs
Department: LBJ School of Public Affairs
Project Title: Preventing Violent Conflict: Lessons for Bureaucrats


Cristine Legare

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Psychology
Project Title: Examining Variation in Beliefs about COVID-19 within Texas


Beili Liu

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Art and Art History
Project Title: The Tie That Binds: Sculptural Exploration of Migrant Experiences


Julie Maslowsky

College/School: College of Education
Department: Kinesiology and Health Education
Project Title: Development of the Brief Assessment of Adolescent Contraceptive Preferences (BRAC-P)


Smilja Milovanovic-Bertram

College/School: School of Architecture
Department: School of Architecture
Project Title: Lina Bo Bardi: Lessons from Displacement


Michael Parent

College/School: College of Education
Department: Educational Psychology
Project Title: Anabolic Steroid Use and Intimate Relationship Violence Among Sexual Minority Men


Rajka Smiljanic

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Linguistics
Project Title: Effect of Protective Face Masks on Audio-Visual Word Recognition and Memory for Native and Non-Native Speakers