Office of Research Support and
Compliance (ORSC)
The Office of Research Support and Compliance (ORSC) partners with researchers to maintain the integrity of research at The University of Texas at Austin. To do so, ORSC helps researchers:
- Protect the rights and welfare of human research participants
- Conduct research that uses animals humanely
- Utilize recombinant DNA and biohazardous materials safely
- Foster transparency in research by managing financial conflicts of interest
- Assist researchers in managing foreign relationships and activities
- Conduct responsible research by providing research ethics education
ORSC’s goal is to foster the highest quality research by assisting researchers with compliance and research best practices.
Contact Us - Main Office
Campus Mail Code: A3200
ORSC Services and Programs
Learn more about specific policies and compliance guidelines and programs at the links below.
PI Eligibility Guidelines
Human Subjects Research
Animal Care & Use Program
Research Integrity
Research Security
The University of Texas at Austin
Office of Research Support and Compliance
Peter T. Flawn Academic Center (FAC)
Suite 326
2304 Whitis Ave
Austin, TX 78712-1111