Common Disclosure Forms
Participants in U.S. federal Research & Development must fully disclose information that can reveal potential conflicts of interest and commitment. Most federal agencies are requiring or will soon require PIs and senior personnel to use Common Forms for the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support sections of an application for Federal R&D grants or cooperative agreements. The NSF has agreed to serve as steward for these common forms, and a table has been created to provide quick reference information for pre-award and post-award disclosure requirements.
Standardization of Federal Agency Disclosure Requirements
Common Form for Biographical Sketch (PDF)
Common Form for Current & Pending (Other) Support Information (PDF)
Pre- and Post-award Disclosures Quick Reference Table (PDF)
NSPM-33 Definitions (PDF)
Domestic and foreign appointments and positions outside of UT must be disclosed in the Biographical Sketch. Appointments and positions include any titled academic, professional, or institutional position whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary and regardless of whether or not remuneration is received. This includes: adjunct, affiliate, visiting faculty, or lecturer positions; positions outside of academia such as CTO or CEO; professional appointments or positions related to your professional expertise such as board service, chairing for national societies, or professional employment.
All research-related consulting and research support must be disclosed in Current & Pending (Other) Support.
The Office of Research Support and Compliance has developed an Outside Activity Disclosure Checklist to assist investigators as they are preparing their Biographical Sketch and Current & Pending (Other) Support documentation. PIs are encouraged to utilize this checklist to answer questions about Common Form disclosure requirements. Further questions can be submitted to: