Contacts for Animal Care and Use

The IACUC office and ARC are separate entities, but both are available to help researchers with any animal research related needs. Below is a list of examples to help determine which to contact.


Contact IACUC

  • With any eProtocol related questions
  • To request the status of a protocol review
  • For information regarding semiannual program reviews
  • With welfare concerns involving the care and use of laboratory animals
  • For information on grant congruency

General IACUC Correspondence
Send all protocol-related matters here


Emergency Contact

For urgent animal health concerns, 24-hour veterinary assistance is available at the emergency contact number

Contact ARC

General ARC Correspondence


ARC Info can assist with questions regarding:

  • eAnimal Ordering
  • ARC billing
  • Access to the ARC

Veterinarian Staff


Veterinarian staff can help with:

  • Room scheduling
  • Inquiries regarding technical services and specialized training in support of ongoing research projects
  • Animal health care related assistance or questions (including anesthesia and analgesia, veterinary consultation for protocol procedures, etc.)

Animal Care Correspondence

ARC Husbandry and Care can assist with questions regarding facility issues, animal housing or care.


Animal Welfare Concerns


Animal Facility Resource Summary

The IACUC and the attending veterinarian are here to assist UT investigators that need to list institutional resources available to support vertebrate animal research in grant proposals or funding support applications.  For assistance with this section, please contact IACUC at