Research Computing & Data Management Services

The University of Texas at Austin offers comprehensive research computing and data management resources for its research community. These resources are managed by several campus units, including the Information Security Office, IT Services, UT Libraries and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). Some services are free, and others are provided as fee-for-service.


Information Security Office

Data Security

The UT Austin Information Security Office (ISO) provides services that can benefit active research projects, all free of charge. Some of these services are provided at the central infrastructure level; others can be requested via this form, including:

  • Intrusion detection monitoring
  • Data exfiltration monitoring
  • Proactive vulnerability detection and remediation
  • In-depth penetration testing of logical and physical security systems
  • In-depth code reviews
  • Vulnerability and unit risk assessments

Additional data security resources

Splunk Licensing
Disaster Recovery Planning
Advanced Malware Protection (AMP)
Stache: Enterprise Password Sharing and Escrow 
SelfScan Vulnerability Scanning Service 
ISO Policies, Standards and Guidelines

IT Services

UT Austin's Information Technology Services department offers a wide range of services and support across the campus community.

TACC Cloud Computing resources


TACC Data Storage resources


UT Libraries Research Data Services

The UT Libraries' Research Data Services unit helps researchers find the resources they need to carry out their work and provide them with opportunities to learn about the latest research data management tools and techniques.

Data Sharing and Preservation

Texas Data Repository (TDR)

Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)

The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) provides access to resources capable of high performance computing, visualization and large scale data analysis.

TACC Mass Data Archive resources


TACC Data Management resources

Data Management & Collections Group