The eAnimal Ordering system allows for the online submission, review, routing and tracking of vertebrate research animal order requests.
Access to eAnimal Ordering is restricted to current faculty, staff and students listed in the Personnel section of a currently approved animal care and use protocol in the eProtocol IACUC system. This ensures that only persons approved by the IACUC to participate in an animal research project can request the purchase of animals for that project.
There are two levels of authority:
- Anyone listed in the Personnel section of an animal use protocol (AUP) in eProtocol IACUC can create an animal order and save it to the system for later submission to the ARC after lab approval.
- The only persons that can approve an animal order on behalf of the laboratory and submit it to the ARC for final processing are those listed on the AUP in one of the four Personnel positions that are authorized to submit changes to a protocol: Principal Investigator, Co-PI, Administrative Contact or Other Submitter.
The most streamlined way to perform ordering for most labs will be to have orders initiated and approved as a one-step process by either the Administrative Contact or the Other Submitter, which are both authorized roles that can be filled by an administrative person that does not participate in the animal research and has not fulfilled the normal IACUC training requirements. These two roles are specifically included in eProtocol as a way to have non-technical persons institute administrative actions involving AUPs and animal orders.
Additional Animal Ordering Information
All animal orders are placed by the ARC administrative office staff and ordered through standard vendors (e.g. Charles River, Jackson Labs, Envigo and Taconic).
The ARC prefers to receive orders in advance with plenty of time for clarifications and supply adjustments if needed. Orders must be placed before noon the Wednesday before requested delivery date, with the exception of weeks involving holidays which often have altered ordering and delivery schedules. Contact the ARC main office for more information.
To ensure accurate and prompt delivery of orders, please follow these guidelines:
Special Orders
Requiring specific age, weight or pregnant: For orders requiring animals to be a specific weight, age or pregnant, an inquiry must be made with the vendor to verify availability and arrival dates.
Requiring surgery: Orders requiring surgery must be placed two to three weeks before expected delivery dates. Once the order has been received, ARC will contact the requester to verify the surgery before placing the order. These orders cannot be canceled. You will be responsible for the full amount of the invoice if canceled for any reason.
Large orders requiring procurement over $15,000: A vendor quote will be required for orders pricing between $15,000.00 – $25,000.00. Please contact the ARC Administrative Office at 512-471-0090, to discuss further details. The date of arrival will vary. Allow two to four weeks for delivery after a PO has been final approved by UT purchasing. Quotes in the amount of $15,000.00 or more, will require a departmental account in order to create a PO.
Ordering from other institutions: Researchers must receive approval from the ARC Director for all animals being acquired from other institutions. For more information, read the FAQs – Importing Special Rodent Strains (PDF).
Animals will be delivered to the requested animal facility and set up by ARC staff. To pick up animals upon receipt or relocate animals to a non-ARC managed satellite facility, discuss special arrangements with the ARC management.
UTRMS-AOps Reference Guide for the Research Community (DOC)
Email or call 512-471-7534