R01 Writing Groups

Writing a strong application for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research Project Grant (R01) requires dedicated, careful thought and time for writing. PIs often struggle to carve out dedicated grant writing time in a schedule already full of teaching, research, service and other scholarly activities. Being part of a peer writing group, which meets at a regularly scheduled time for the dedicated purpose of writing, can offer the extra push and accountability PIs need to help their applications materialize.

To support principal investigators as they pioneer revolutionary, comprehensive research, OVPR Research Development has partnered with the Population Research Center (PRC) to offer R01 Writing Groups.


The R01 Writing Groups Program is centered around 4-6 person writing groups, matched according to shared research interests and availability. Writing Groups will meet regularly throughout the academic year to make progress on their R01 applications. Groups will be self-directed, taking advantage of sample agendas and OVPR-provided meeting spaces to develop a group that meets all members’ needs.

Additionally, participants will have access to:

  • R01 skill-building events (e.g., workshops, Q&As)
  • A curated library of R01 resources and guides
  • Opportunities for feedback on drafts from NIH-experienced UT PIs (once per semester)


  • Must be a UT Principal Investigator
  • Must be working on an NIH R01 application (for any deadline through the following Fall)
  • Must commit to meeting with your writing group for a minimum of 1.5 hours every other week throughout the academic year
  • Space is limited to 40 participants. If interest exceeds this limit, preference will be given to PIs who have not yet secured R01 funding, regardless of career stage or history of R01 submissions


Sign up here. Registration for the 2024-2025 academic year will close Friday, August 23, 2024.

Registration for the 2025-2026 academic year will open Summer 2025.

Contact vpr.rdt@austin.utexas.edu