Human Subjects Research
Conducting research with human participants is of utmost importance for advancing scientific knowledge in the biomedical and social behavioral sciences. The ethical and responsible conduct of this type of research plays a vital role in building public trust in science and demonstrating excellence in research. Of equal importance is the ethical review of human subjects research to safeguard the rights and well-being of participants and ensure the integrity of the research being conducted.
The University of Texas or its agents (faculty, staff and/or students) are considered engaged in human subjects research when they are the primary awardee of federal funds to conduct human research and/or when researchers are engaged in the conduct of human subject research such as consenting subjects, collecting data, or analyzing identifiable data.
UT Austin Human Research Protection Program
The University of Texas at Austin Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is composed of institutional leaders, research review committees, and agents of UT Austin that are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of participants in research conducted or reviewed by UT Austin, including research conducted at Dell Medical School. The mission of the HRPP is to support the University’s research enterprise by ensuring the protection of individuals who participate in research; ensuring compliance with all pertinent federal and state laws and regulations as well as institutional policy; fostering the ethical conduct of human subjects research; and providing education and other support services related to regulatory requirements and best practices to the UT Austin research community. The UT HRPP has been accredited by the Association for Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) since 2006 – strong evidence of our commitment to protecting research participants.
The central HRPP components operating within the Office of Research Support and Compliance include:
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Single IRB (sIRB) Reliance
- FDA Regulatory Support and Compliance
- Education and Outreach

Learn about the IRB, which reviews human research and provides professional support and guidance to the research community, as well as the review process and PI eligibility.
Find regulations, policies, best practices and education opportunities relating to human subjects research.
The UT Regulatory Support Program offers comprehensive guidance and navigation support to investigators conducting human subjects research with investigational drugs, devices, and biologics.
To discuss concerns with someone other than the study researcher(s), research participants may contact the IRB by phone at 512-232-1543 or at
Media Inquiries
For media inquiries, please email
Alerts and Guideline Updates
Check out the new FDA Regulatory Support Program webpage!
UT HRPP’s Regulatory Support & Compliance program has released their new webpage for researchers conducting FDA-regulated research! This webpage provides comprehensive guidance and resources for investigators working with investigational drugs, devices, and biologics. Don’t miss out and explore this resource now!
IRB Virtual Office Hours
IRB staff are holding open virtual office hours via Zoom every Wednesday 10-11am.