Find information relevant to the grant application process, including addresses, university officials, identification numbers and codes, important dates and more.
Find information about CPRIT proposals and awards, NIH resources, NSF resources, sponsors that Follow Public Health Service Financial Conflict of Interest Policy and foreign involvement disclosures.
The OSP Contracting team works to establish legally binding contracts that comply with institutional policies, state and federal laws, address project-specific needs, and protect faculty and students rights.
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Find resources related to grant management, including information on the grant lifecycle, a quick start guide for faculty researchers, general guidance for post doc fellows and the PI Book.
News and Alerts
NSF 25-011 Mandatory Multifactor Authentication for Effective 10/27
National Science Foundation has issued Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 25-011) to notify the research community about the mandatory use of multifactor authentication (MFA) for sign-in effective on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2024. All external users must first complete a one-time MFA enrollment process that will be available starting on October 27 and then use MFA to sign into going forward.
Training Resources
Training resources including how-to guides and frequently asked questions (FAQs) will be available on the new About Signing Into page on Help on October 27. This new page will assist the research community to quickly enroll in MFA and learn how to sign into with the selected MFA method. If you have IT system-related questions, please contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal holidays) or to
NASA Policy Update Grant Notice 24-01
NASA Grants Policy and Compliance has published Grant Notice 24-01 informing NASA grant and cooperative agreement recipients and applicants about upcoming changes to NASA’s grant policies being released on October 1, 2024, which implement revisions to 2 CFR and National Security Presidential Memorandum-33.
Academic Appointment Alignment
Effective fall 2024, academic and graduate research assistant (GRA) appointments will align with the calendar year. See what this means for budgeting.
NIH Policy Guidance for Subaward/Consortium Written Agreements Update
NIH has release NOT-OD-23-133, updating the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 15.2 to issue additional requirements for foreign subrecipients in relation to documentation of data.
NASA: Changes to Conflict of Interest Disclosure Requirements
NASA has published Grant Information Circular (GIC) 23-07 to inform grant and cooperative agreement recipients of forthcoming conflict of interest (COI) disclosure requirements. The GIC implements a revision to section 3.3 “Conflicts of Interest Policy”, and establishes a new term and condition, “D39: Conflict of Interest Policy Requirements” which will apply to new and amended awards starting December 1, 2023. Additional information to be published on Foreign Involvement Disclosures page.
NIH Application Instruction Updates – Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Costs
NIH has released NOT-OD-23-161, which has rescinded requirements for a single budget line item “Data Management and Sharing Costs.” The NIH Application Guide has been updated to reflect this change for applications due on or after October 5, 2023.