OVPR Research & Creative Grant Recipients

Research & Creative Grant Recipients

Keji Lai

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Physics
Project Title: Probing Vortices in Ferroelectrics: A Table-top Playground for Topological Sciences


Paola Passalacqua

College/School: Cockrell School of Engineering
Department: Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering
Project Title: A field investigation on the transport of environmental fluxes through deltas


David Ellis Adelman

College/School: School of Law
Department: School of Law
Project Title: Empirical Study of Litigation Under the National Environmental Policy Act


Jeffrey Evan Barrick

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Molecular Biosciences
Project Title: Probing the molecular specificity of natural competence in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1


Bharath Chandrasekaran

College/School: Moody College of Communication
Department: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Project Title: Individual differences in audiovisual speech processing


Laura Lee Colgin

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Neuroscience
Project Title: Distinct mnemonic functions of fast and slow gamma rhythms in the hippocampus


Darrell Glenn Creel

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Anthropology
Project Title: Neutron Activation Analysis of Whole Mimbres Pottery Vessels


Donglei (Emma) Fan

College/School: Cockrell School of Engineering
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Project Title: Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Nanomotors for Biosubstance Delivery and Detection with Subcellular Resolution


Johann A. Hofmann

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Integrative Biology
Project Title: Neural and Genomic Basis of Social Cognition


Hongjoo Joanne Lee

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Psychology
Project Title: Novel treatment for attentional deficits in Parkinson's disease


Nanshu Lu

College/School: Cockrell School of Engineering
Department: Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Project Title: Flexoelectricity of Nanomaterials on Deformable Substrates


Leslie Ann Mutchler

College/School: College of Fine Arts
Department: Art and Art History
Project Title: Printshop/ Backdrop


Michael John Rose

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Atomic Layer Deposition of Catalytic Materials on a Hybrid Molecular/ Materials Substrate: a Solar Fuels Device


Navid B. Saleh

College/School: Cockrell School of Engineering
Department: Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering
Project Title: Effects of Doping on Fate and Transport of Hybrid Indium Tin Oxide Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environment


Christen Anne Smith

College/School: College of Liberal Arts
Department: Anthropology
Project Title: Remembering Beatriz Nascimento: Rethinking the Concept of Quilombo, Blackness, Gender and Belonging in Brazil and the Americas


Jessica Rose Toste

College/School: College of Education
Department: Special Education
Project Title: Multisyllabic Word Reading Intervention in the Upper-Elementary Grades: Can Attribution Retraining Improve Performance of Struggling Readers?


Robert Fredrick Young

College/School: School of Architecture
Department: School of Architecture
Project Title: From Growth Machine to Living City


Harold Hirsch Zakon

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Neuroscience
Project Title: A putative novel ion channel in Plasmodium, the malaria parasite


Linda DeGraffenried

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Nutritional Sciences
Project Title: Obesity and Reprogramming of Prostate Cancer


Kentya C. Ford

College/School: College of Pharmacy
Department: College of Pharmacy
Project Title: Exploring the Impact of Social Media Advertising and Beliefs on Little Cigar Tobacco Use among African Americans, ages 18-25: A pilot study


Aprile Dawn Benner

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Human Development and Family Sciences
Project Title: Discrimination, Peer Relations, and Adolescents' Development


Jonathan Bates Dingwell

College/School: College of Education
Department: Kinesiology and Health Education
Project Title: Determining How Healthy Humans Control Step-To-Step Variability During Walking and Running


Guangbin Dong

College/School: College of Natural Sciences
Department: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Project Title: Natural Product-Based Small-Molecule Libraries for Drug Discovery


Susan B. Empson

College/School: College of Education
Department: Curriculum and Instruction
Project Title: Learning to Make Instructional Decisions Based On Children's Thinking about Fractions: Design and Pilot of a Tablet-Based Interactive Decision Making Tool


Walter Fast

College/School: College of Pharmacy
Department: College of Pharmacy
Project Title: Developing Antibiotics That Target Iron Acquisition