Research Development

Research Development

The OVPR Research Development (RD) team oversees campus-level initiatives that promote research collaborations, including the campus-wide research grand challenges initiative, Bridging Barriers. The team also provides competitive intelligence and tactical proposal development support to cross-college teams of researchers pursuing center grants and other major external funding. Research Development works closely with the Vice Provost for Faculty Development to provide faculty development programming with a focus on research collaborations and research leadership. We provide a vast menu of investigator skill building workshops and webinars to prepare UT researchers to be more competitive in their grant seeking, and we manage several key institutional research relationships with external partners.

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Campus Mail Code: G1400

RD Org Chart (PDF)

RD Services and Programs

Learn more about the various services, initiatives and research collaborations overseen by the Office of Research Development at the links below.


The University of Texas at Austin  
Office of the VIce President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors
Peter T. Flawn Academic Center (FAC)
Suite 426
2304 Whitis Ave
Austin, TX 78712-1111