eProtocol IACUC allows for the online submission, review, routing and tracking of animal utilization proposals (AUP or protocol) and Animal Utilization Registration Forms (AURFs).
Access to eProtocol IACUC (and the AALAS Learning Library training modules) is restricted to current faculty, staff and students. Persons who do not fall under one of these groups should email IACUC@austin.utexas.edu for access to eProtocol. Provide full name and EID, PI’s name and the anticipated end date for involvement with animal research at UT Austin.
The pop-up blocking feature of the browser must be disabled (pop-ups must be allowed) while using eProtocol.
There are two NEW form types available:
- Animal Utilization Proposal (AUP or protocol) Form. This form must be used when requesting approval to use vertebrate animals for any teaching, research and/or testing performed at The University of Texas at Austin.
- Animal Utilization Registration Form (AURF). This form must be used to register a project involving live vertebrate animals and utilizing funds or personnel that are affiliated with The University of Texas at Austin when the research is performed wholly at another institution.
Basic Functions of eProtocol IACUC
New protocol
To create a new protocol, log in to eProtocol IACUC. Click the “Create Protocol” button, enter a protocol title and select the correct form type (AUP or AURF). Complete the Principal Investigator details and click the “create” button. The protocol form will be generated. For detailed instructions on how to create and submit a new animal use protocol, use this guidance.
Third-year resubmission
To create a third-year resubmission protocol, log in to eProtocol IACUC. Click the “Clone Protocol” button (or you may start from scratch by clicking the “Create Protocol” button; see above). Select the protocol you wish to clone and then press the “Clone Protocol” button. A cloned protocol will be generated with a new protocol ID #.
Common return note requests for cloned protocols include:
- Updating personnel experience and training under Personnel Information and any applicable procedures.
- Updating the legacy protocol ID # on the Rationale page.
- Performing current Alternative Searches for category D and E procedures.
- Updating grant or other funding information and related attachments.

To make a change (i.e., amendment, modification, revision, etc.), you must create a protocol amendment in eProtocol IACUC. Once logged in, select the protocol ID # you wish to make an amendment to and then select the “Start Amendment” option.
Continuing (or Annual) Review
To extend the approval period of your protocol by one year, you must create a protocol continuing review in eProtocol IACUC. Once logged in, select the protocol ID # you wish to start the continuing review form for and then select the “Start Continuing Review” option. [Note: Protocols are approved for 3 years, however continuing reviews must be submitted annually.]
Adverse Event Report
All instances of unusual or unexpected illness, debilitation or death must be promptly reported to an ARC veterinarian and/or the IACUC. In addition, instances of protocol noncompliance must also be reported to the IACUC. In order to start an adverse event form, you must log in, select the protocol ID # you wish to create the form for and then select “Start Adverse Event Form.”
Closure Report
If the project has ended and/or expired and you would like to close the protocol, complete a Protocol Closure Report (PCR). To complete a PCR, log in to eProtocol IACUC. Once logged in, select the protocol ID # you wish to close and then select the “Start Closure Report Form” option.
Helpful eProtocol IACUC Tips
Can I work on more than one action item at a time?
No, you can only draft, edit or submit one action item per protocol at a time. Therefore, if you have an amendment or a continuing review already drafted, then you will not be able to begin another. See the next tip for instructions on how to delete an action.
You may need to delete an unsubmitted form if for example you need to start a continuing review form and an amendment form has previously been created but not submitted. To do this, click the blue “Delete Protocol” button on your eProtocol homepage and on the next page, check the box next to the protocol form you would like to delete. Once again, click the blue “Delete Protocol” button and the form will be deleted. Note: If you select the form type “NEW”, the entire un-submitted protocol will be deleted.
I can’t find my work in eProtocol.
If you feel like you have successfully created something but cannot find it, go back and clear the cache in your web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox) and then reload the page. This is a common problem and can prevent the frustration of having to duplicate work.
I can’t submit. What am I doing wrong?
If you think your submission is ready to go but eProtocol will not let you submit, be sure to click on the “Check for Completeness” button within your protocol and make the required changes.
Help, eProtocol won’t open.
Your browser might be preventing your protocol from opening as a pop-up in eProtocol. Disable your pop up blocker, and try again.
Which protocols can I view or edit?
Once logged in to eProtocol, you will have access to see all of those (and only those) protocols on which you have been listed in the Personnel Information section. Only the four “key roles” will have the ability to edit and submit the protocol: Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact or Other Submitter. All personnel listed under “Other Personnel” will only have view access.
What happens if my protocol is returned for revisions?
You will receive an email notification if your protocol is returned for clarifications or revisions. When a protocol is returned to you by the pre-reviewer, the comments will be located within the protocol under “Return Notes.” After addressing the comments by revising the protocol, you may return the protocol to the RSC office. When a protocol is returned to you by the IACUC or DMR, the comments can be found in a different location. Click on the link “Comments Received (Cycle #)” in the Protocol Events column on your eProtocol home page to access the comments page. You will need to: 1. Make the adjustments to the protocol, 2. Enter a response for each comment (and save) and 3. Click the “Submit to IACUC” button to send your responses and revised protocol back to the IACUC or DMR.
How can I view previous versions of the protocol?
You can view old versions of your protocol in eProtocol IACUC. Hover over “Investigator” in your eProtocol Menu. Click on “Approved Protocols.” A pop-up will appear. Select the bubble next to “Protocol Details” and press OK. On the next page, you will find all old versions of your protocol.
Where is my approval letter?
All protocol approval letters can be downloaded in the protocol by clicking on “Event History” within the blue menu. (Note: protocol approval letters do NOT verify congruence for federal funding agencies. See IACUC Policies and Procedures in Section 8: Research Funding for Animal Use Protocols for more information.)
How do I create an IACUC protocol in PDF form?
You can create a PDF of your IACUC protocol by selecting “Print View” in the blue menu within your eProtocol. In the next pop-up, check the boxes next to the sections you would like included in the PDF.
Email IACUC@austin.utexas.edu if unable to access eProtocol. Provide full name, EID PI’s name and a brief description of the problem.