IACUC Review Procedures
The IACUC utilizes various methods for protocol review depending on the type of submission received. The investigator and IACUC reviewers must actively participate in the review process in order to prevent a delay in approval. Submissions will first undergo a pre-review by RSC staff prior to being sent to the IACUC to ensure all necessary details are in place for the IACUC to consider. After the pre-review stage, protocols will be forwarded to IACUC members for the next stage of review. Final approval must be granted before the animal work is permitted to begin. See IACUC Review Flow Chart for more details.
The UT Austin IACUC utilizes four methods of review:
- Full Committee Review (FCR)
- Designated Member Review (DMR)
- Administrative Review (AR)
- Veterinary Verification and Consultation (VVC)
For more information on each type of procedure, please review IACUC Procedure 4.0, titled “Protocol Review and Notification Procedures” and IACUC Policy 4.4, titled “Veterinary Verification and Consultation and Protocol Changes”.
When to Submit
Protocols must undergo a pre-review procedure that includes an assessment for inaccuracies and confirmation of content prior to being sent to the Committee. Therefore, investigators must allow sufficient time for RSC staff to complete pre-review when submitting an application. It is recommended that complex protocols such as those with invasive procedures, multiple procedures and novel procedures be submitted at least six weeks prior to the meeting. Researchers should not expect complete protocols submitted less than four weeks prior to the meeting to be placed on the upcoming agenda.
IACUC Meeting Dates
The IACUC may choose to review any submission at a convened meeting. These submissions are designated as Full Committee Review (FCR). Submissions of increased complexity and concern have a higher likelihood of being designated for FCR.
Scheduled IACUC Meeting Dates |
January 27, 2025 |
February 10, 2025 |
March 10, 2025 |
April 14, 2025 |
May 12, 2025 |
June 16, 2025 |
July 21, 2025 |
August 18, 2025 |
September 15, 2025 |
October 20, 2025 |
November 17, 2025 |
December 15, 2025 |
To ask the Committee to discuss a specific item, please send a request via email to IACUC@austin.utexas.edu. The request must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the meeting date, or more depending on the item.
The request should contain an itemized list and concise description of any desired agenda item for Committee discussion. The IACUC may require attendance at the meeting where the discussion item is addressed by the Committee.
Fees are assessed in the following situations:
- Animal work conducted at UT under a business services agreement submitted for review by the UT IACUC.
- Animal work conducted in UT facilities on behalf of non-UT institutions when there is no award to UT.
IACUC Action | Fee |
Initial Convened IACUC Review | $1,700 |
Annual Review | $500 |
Major Modification | $700 |
Minor Modification | $250 |
Closure | $100 |
Preparing for Semiannual Inspections
The responsibility of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is to oversee the provisions for the care and well-being of animals used for research, teaching and testing at The University of Texas at Austin. The IACUC is also committed to serving the public by ensuring compliance with all legal and ethical standards regarding the use of animals in research.
One part of that responsibility is to conduct Semiannual Program Reviews and Facility Inspections, as mandated by the Guide, PHS Policy and the Animal Welfare Act. As part of the Program Review, the IACUC will examine the entire animal care and use program, including its own policies and procedures.
The Facility Inspections are conducted to ensure labs are complying with the regulations relating to animal research. The PHS Policy states that the inspection should include all buildings, rooms, areas, enclosures and vehicles (including satellite facilities in which animals are housed for more than 24 hours) that are used for animal confinement, transport, maintenance, breeding or experiments inclusive of surgical manipulation. The purpose of these facility inspections is not to get labs in trouble, but rather to help keep labs in compliance with the regulatory bodies.
What can I do to prepare my laboratory for inspections?
An IACUC staff member will email your lab with the date and time of your inspection and will ask for the contact name and number of a representative from your lab who will meet the committee members. The lab representative should be knowledgeable about the protocol, including familiarity with procedure techniques, drugs or agents used, euthanasia methods, etc.
You can prepare for the inspection by using the “Laboratory Self-Evaluation Checklists” found on the Policies, Guidelines and Forms page.
During the inspection, you can expect the committee will evaluate or review:
- Appropriateness of facilities, personnel and equipment to provide adequate care to animals
- Cleanliness of facilities, lab areas and equipment
- Evaluation of potential hazards and safety considerations for personnel
- Adherence to aseptic techniques
- Animal identification and health records, equipment service records, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), controlled substance logs, environmental control, husbandry records, etc.
- Euthanasia practices
- Storage and expiration date of drugs and chemicals used in animals
- Animal husbandry
- Any other considerations listed on the OLAW Inspection Checklists
What can I expect after the inspection of my laboratory?
After the committee has inspected your animal areas, the IACUC will communicate any deficiencies found, along with regulatory background to explain why the correction is needed and in some cases how you can meet the regulatory and institutional requirements moving forward. Your lab is responsible for implementing a plan of correction and you must respond to the IACUC at least 2 weeks following the initial notice. The response should confirm that:
- The item(s) noted have been corrected. Include the date of correction and how they were corrected.
- The item(s) noted will be corrected. Include the anticipated date of correction and a written plan for how they will be corrected.
The IACUC staff will follow up with your lab until all deficiencies have been addressed and finalized. Some areas may be revisited to confirm the deficiencies have been corrected. If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like additional information on how to prepare your lab for inspections, please email the IACUC at iacuc@austin.utexas.edu.
UTRMS-IACUC Reference Guide for the Research Community (PDF)
UTRMS-IACUC Reference Guide for Migrated Records (PDF)
UTRMS-IACUC Housing & Use Aide (PDF)
UTRMS-IACUC Animal Justification Aide (PDF)
Breeding Information Aide (PDF)
UTRMS IACUC PI Proxy Guidance (PDF)
IACUC Procedure Guide (PDF)
IACUC Review Flow Chart (PDF)