Messages from the
Vice President for Research
March 5, 2021
Mask Guidelines Still in Effect for Researchers
Dear PI Colleagues, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, Following guidance from the Texas Education Agency, university leadership, and medical experts, all mask requirements and recommendations remain in effect for on-campus researchers ...
February 23, 2021
Research Cohort Changes and New Guidelines
Dear PI Colleagues, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, As we work together to certify that our buildings and spaces can be safely occupied, I want to share some important Research Restart changes with you. This will be a long email, but I ask all of you to ...
February 22, 2021
Please Read: Process for Resuming On-campus Research
Dear PI Colleagues, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, I hope the better weather has brought each of you electricity, drinkable water, and a little space to breathe. If you haven’t been outside yet, please try to make time to get some sunlight. I think we ...
February 19, 2021
Assessing Damage in Campus Labs and Research Spaces
Dear PI Colleagues, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, As temperatures warm and power comes back online in Austin, coping with water and food shortages is becoming increasingly critical for many. Please continue to prioritize your wellbeing and safety ...
February 18, 2021
URGENT: Suspend Research Operations Immediately
Dear PI Colleagues, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, Given the deteriorating conditions in and around Austin and on the UT Campus, including water and electricity disruption, it has been deemed unsafe to conduct research on campus at this time ...
February 16, 2021
Proposal Submissions Suspended
Dear PI Colleagues, Because of the historic weather conditions that have severely affected statewide power availability, we recognize that many of you are unexpectedly without electricity, and this includes research administrators and our own Office of ...
February 14, 2021
OSP Processing Proposals during Closure
Dear PI Colleagues, President Hartzell announced earlier today that campus is closed through Wednesday morning, and understandably many of you have questions about Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) operations. We are aware that several important ...
February 13, 2021
Experiments During Inclement Weather
Dear PI Colleagues, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, As weather conditions continue to deteriorate in and around Austin, it’s becoming increasingly likely that campus may be closed this coming Monday and/or Tuesday. Please do not start any experiments ...
February 11, 2021
Campus is Open for Research, but Put Safety First
Dear PI Colleagues, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, Given the precipitation and near-freezing temperatures, please decide for yourself if you need to leave campus early today in order to get home safely. Roads may ice over, and some areas are ...
January 22, 2021
New Semester Notifications
Dear PI Colleagues, Graduate Students, and Postdocs, Welcome back to campus, and welcome to the start of a new semester. I hope each of you had time to rest and reset, and I especially hope that all of you stayed healthy and safe over the holidays ...