Research Integrity

Research Integrity

The integrity of knowledge generated through research and scholarly activity depends on a commitment to responsible research practices. Research integrity depends on an adherence to a common set of accepted values and principles.

The Research Integrity Program at The University of Texas at Austin has two primary goals: 

  1. To foster and reinforce a culture of research integrity through responsible conduct of research (RCR) education
  2. To ensure compliance with RCR training requirements put forth by federal research sponsors

Federal Research Sponsor RCR Requirements

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) require certain categories of researchers to receive RCR training. However, RCR is increasingly viewed as an essential component of training regardless of a researcher's source of funding. 

The following funding agencies require RCR training as outlined. Proposal funding scores can be negatively impacted if RCR training plans are deemed insufficient.

Agency  RCR Training Audience Type of Award  UT Training Options
National Science
Foundation (NSF)
All personnel who will be supported by an award:

- undergraduate students
- graduate students
- postdoctoral researchers
- graduate students
- faculty
- senior personnel
All NSF-supported research Undergraduate Students:
- CITI online RCR training

Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Researchers:
- CITI online RCR training
- RCR Workshop offered by ORSC

Faculty and Other Senior Personnel:
- CITI online RCR training
- RCR Workshop offered by ORSC
National Institutes of Health (NIH) All participants (trainees, fellows, participants and scholars) of specific award types  - Training Awards
- Career Development
- Research Education
- Dissertation Research
Faculty and Staff:
- CITI online RCR training

Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Researchers:
- CITI online RCR training
- RCR Workshop offered by ORSC
US Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) All personnel who will be supported by an award: 

- program directors
- faculty
- undergraduate students
- graduate students
- postdoctoral researchers
- staff
All USDA-NIFA supported research Faculty & Staff:
- CITI online RCR training

Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Researchers:
- CITI online RCR training
- RCR Workshop offered by ORSC

NIH RCR Training Requirements

All trainees, fellows, participants and scholars receiving support through any NIH training grant, career development award (individual or institutional), research education grant or dissertation research grant must receive instruction in RCR. Review NIH RCR NOT-OD-10-019 and NOT-OD-22-055. For the specified award categories, the PI must develop a discipline-specific, tailored plan for RCR training that meets the NIH requirements. The instructional plan is evaluated as a component of the NIH funding proposal.

The PI is responsible for ensuring that RCR training is completed and training records are maintained to document that all NIH supported trainees, fellows and scholars received the required instruction. The PI must also comply with the specific reporting requirements in continuation applications. The instructional plan should include coursework with significant face-to-face interaction and participation by research faculty members. Analysis of relevant case studies is recommended. While online instruction may be used as a component of the training program, it is not sufficient to meet the NIH requirement for RCR instruction, except in special or unusual circumstances.


NSF RECR Training Requirements

NSF requires training in the Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) for all individuals supported by an award, including:

  • The principal investigator and other senior personnel
  • Postdocs
  • Graduate and undergraduate students

Per the NSF, the institution must certify that a plan is in place to provide RECR training and the training must include mentor training and mentorship. The Research Integrity Program will contact PIs to request a plan after the award has been granted. The PI is responsible for ensuring all other supported research personnel (postdocs and trainees) participate in RECR training. For details and a list of available training options, see NSF RECR Training Details


USDA-NIFA RCR Training Requirements

USDA requires that all personnel participating in USDA-funded research be trained in the responsible and ethical conduct of research (RCR), including:

  • The principal investigator and other senior personnel
  • Postdocs
  • Graduate and undergraduate students

The ethics training will, at a minimum, emphasize three key areas of research ethics: authorship and plagiarism, data and research integration, and reporting misconduct.  The PI and senior personnel must complete RCR training prior to award setup.  Once an award is issued, the PI is responsible for ensuring all other supported research personnel (postdocs and trainees) participate in RCR training.