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Don't Go Jason Waterfalls

A Q&A with Senior Web Developer Jason Watson

By Johnny Holden
August 21, 2024
Jason Watson standing next to the portrait of Pete Flawn, the namesake of the Flawn Academic Center.

Although he wasn't born here, Jason Watson has earned honorary "unicorn status" as an Austin native. Aside from the day-to-day responsibilities of maintaining UT Austin’s formidable research-focused web presence, we can also thank Jason for his part in the relaunch of the Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors’ website earlier this year.

How long have you been at UT Austin? Have you ever worked in any other schools/departments? Please elaborate.

I started at UT Austin in October 2015 at Information Technology Services (ITS) in a developer/analyst role. I spent most of my time there supporting campus-wide web publishing platforms like UT Web and the University Blogs Service.

Interestingly (at least to me), our offices in Flawn Academic Center on the third floor now were also where I officed when I was with ITS. There’s a portrait of “Pete” Flawn (see picture above) in the entry way that I’ve been greeting with a nod since 2015. He always seems reasonably pleased to see me.

As senior web developer for OVPR, what does your role entail?

Broadly, I help people get their message, ideas and information represented on the web. This is normally done by collaborating with stakeholders and content owners to define project goals, and then providing options for accomplishing those goals. The more technical side of my job involves the use of a technology stack to develop, deploy and maintain (and repeat) multiple web sites.

Didn’t you also play a central role in the recently launched, and significantly improved, new OVPR website?

Yes, I played my part in the sizable undertaking of rebuilding from the ground up. The project took roughly two years to complete – from initial meetings with the team that would eventually launch the new site, to gathering relevant input and content from across the OVPR portfolio. While the project has launched, like most web properties, it will continue to evolve, and I am here to support that.

What’s it like working with the IT team at OVPR?

RIT has been a very comfortable fit for me since I joined. My teammates are knowledgeable and friendly, and I really enjoy the occasions that I’m able to join in the various social gatherings we try to do throughout the year. 

Are you a Texan native? How long have you lived in Austin?

I suppose I’m not a native, since I was born in Pontiac, Michigan. My family did move to the Dallas Fort-Worth area when I was a baby and my mother was born and raised in Austin, so we always came to visit my grandparents here. My first time living in Austin was in 1997 as a middle schooler. I moved away by high school and eventually made my way back in 2008 after completing my enlistment in the Air Force.

OK so Austin is home. What do you like most about the city? And, since it has changed so much in the last decade, what do you miss most?

I definitely consider Austin home, so the things I miss from home are things that have changed or gone away from the “old” Austin. Some of the campus things I miss are the old Dog and Duck and how the Drag used to be interesting.

I can’t quite put my finger on what I like most about Austin. But something about the old days when it was just me and my bicycle has a timeless beauty for me.

What do you like doing in your free time?

I’m lucky enough to have three amazing daughters – a 6-year-old and two 2-year-olds – with my wife Roxanne. The twins were an exciting surprise, and it’s been amazing watching them grow. So, free time is in short supply, but I’ve always been a hobbyist and try to keep up with my various interests.

In my pre-fatherhood (pre-desk job) days I was an avid cyclist and competed regularly in cycling races in and around Austin. Now, I’ve got a woodworking shop that I enjoy. It’s mostly gathering dust right now, and not the good kind, but up until recently I would complete and sell, gift, or keep a couple of pieces of furniture a year. I’m also a gear head, motorsports fan, and occasionally get the opportunity to do laps myself at COTA or Harris Hill Raceway in San Marcos.

Where is your favorite place on earth and why?

My wife’s family has roots in San Francisco, and we used to go there on vacation at least once a year. I hadn’t spent any time there before that point in my life, and I loved it. The various neighborhoods, each with its own personality, the Pacific coast, and the history are some of the things that I enjoy most about the Bay Area.

The title of this piece is a play on the song Waterfalls by the band TLC that went to No. 1 on the Billboard Top 100 charts in 1995.