This is a 10-min video to introduce new users to UTRMS, what it does, how it's organized, and how to best navigate through it.
Welcome to UTRMS
Learn how to use reports in UTRMS to find, sort, and filter data.
Using Custom Reports in UTRMS
An in-progress documentation of the fields available in reports that are already created in UTRMS.
Reporting Guide for the Research Community (PDF)
Learn how to check to see if an email notification was sent from UTRMS and who received the notification. You can check for any past activity on a record in UTRMS.
How to Check Email Notifications in UTRMS
How to provide access to funding proposals in UTRMS for other team members.
Managing Access to Records in UTRMS
This video demonstrates how to add a tag to your funding proposal to identify which of the four strategic pillars best aligns with your project.
Adding Tags for Strategic Plan
A tool designed to help users understand the Agreements Workspace.
Agreements Quick Reference Guide for Researchers (PDF)
As the main resource for the Agreements module, this document provides directions for creating and submitting Agreements, Amendments, and Ancillary Reviews, how to respond to Clarification Requests, and more.
Research Team User Guide (PDF)
A job aid describing how to create a pre-proposal record and then convert it to a full proposal in UTRMS-Grants.
Pre-Proposal Guide (PDF)
A recording of a training session introducing new users to UTRMS-Grants.
Introduction & Overview of UTRMS-Grants
Grants: Proposals
A guide providing detailed directions on how to create and submit a funding proposal in UTRMS-Grants. The guide includes how to build a budget, subawards, responding to changes, SF424s, JITs and more.
Proposal Creation & Submission Guide for the Research Community (PDF)
A quick reference guide to assist with preparing a system-to-system proposal submission in UTRMS. This is Section 9 of the Proposal Creation & Submission Guide.
Prepare SF424 for Submission (PDF)
A video recording of a training session that reviews how to create a funding proposal and budget in UTRMS.
Funding Proposals & Budgets in UTRMS
A video recording of a training session about S2S submissions using the SF424 feature in UTRMS-Grants.
SF424 in UTRMS
A video recording of a training session demonstrating budget creation in UTRMS-Grants.
Advanced Budgets in UTRMS
Grants: Awards
A document reviewing the process awards go through to become active and directions for activities PIs, DRAs, or others in the research community may need to take to prepare the award for activation.
Awards Guide for the Research Community (PDF)
A video recording of a training session introducing new users to managing awards in UTRMS-Grants.
Awards in UTRMS
A video recording of a training session demonstrating more advanced activities required for managing awards in UTRMS-Grants.
Advanced Awards in UTRMS
This quick guide includes images of error messages users of UTRMS-COI commonly see and gives solutions that frequently work for each type of error.
Common UTRMS-COI Error Messages and Possible Solutions (PDF)
The main resource for the UTRMS-COI module. This guide covers how to update your Disclosure Profile, respond to Clarification Requests, review and accept a Management plan, submit a Pre-Approval Request, and check the COI Status of research teams.
COI Users Guide (PDF)
A video recording of a training session that reviews the recent change to COI policy at UT and how to manage those requirements in UTRMS.
Conflict of Interest in UTRMS
You've received an email from UTRMS stating that a new research project requires a COI Disclosure Profile update. What do you do? Watch this video to see detailed directions.
Responding to New Research Project COI Update Request
After receiving an email from UTRMS requesting that your COI Disclosure Profile is completed, what do you do? Watch this video to see the steps.
Responding to COI Update Request
An alphabetical listing of key terms to know when working in UTRMS-IRB.
IRB Glossary (PDF)
Detailed directions for how to submit a study protocol as a PI Proxy.
Submitting a Study as PI Proxy (PDF)
UT's general guide on completing tasks in UTRMS-IRB.
IRB Guide for the Research Community (PDF)
Huron's guide for tasks related to Multi-Site Studies under a Single Institutional Review Board (IRB) of record review.
IRB Multi-Site Study Guide (PDF)
UTRMS-IACUC Reference Guide: For the Research Community (PDF)
UTRMS-IACUC Reference Guide for Migrated Records (PDF)
UTRMS-IACUC FAQs (coming soon)
Animal Operations
Resources coming soon, including:
- UTRMS-AOps Reference Guide for the Research Community
Animal Research Management Transition
Learn more about the transition from the eProtocol IACUC and eAnimal Ordering systems to UTRMS-IACUC and UTRMS-AOps.