Research Core Facility Directory

Explore the cutting-edge technologies, equipment, instrumentation and resources that help UT Austin researchers advance knowledge and solve complex global challenges. Search below to find a specific facility, or filter by category to see all that are available.

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Research Area
University Affiliation
Biologics production & characterization, Biologics discovery & engineering, Cellular assays & mouse models, Outreach & training
3D printing, Additive manufacturing research, Design innovation, Prototyping services
Electromechanical systems research, High-power energy storage, Advanced motor design, Electromechanical testing
Environmental research, Energy systems analysis, Air quality monitoring, Water resources management
Water resources research, Environmental engineering, Hydrological modeling, Water quality analysis
Structural engineering research, Large-scale testing, Material characterization, Structural health monitoring
Fluid inclusion analysis, Microthermometry, Geological research, Sample preparation
Material performance testing, Characterization of infrastructure materials, Durability studies, Mechanical testing
Machining services, Custom fabrication, Prototype development, Technical support
Nanomanufacturing research, Nanofabrication, Device prototyping, Process development
Natural hazards research, Experimental testing, Structural engineering, Data analysis
Nuclear and Radiation Research, Nuclear Analytical Research and Services, Radioisotope Production, Technical Services
Nuclear research, Reactor operation, Neutron activation analysis, Radiation safety
Confocal microscopy, Fluorescence imaging, Live cell imaging, Technical support
Materials research, Characterization services, Analytical facilities, Technical support