Policies, Procedures & Guidelines

The following resources are designed to assist faculty, staff and students in performing vertebrate animal procedures in a humane manner and complying with pertinent regulatory requirements. Under some circumstances deviations from these procedures may be indicated but such variances must be approved in advance by the IACUC.


IACUC Policies

The University of Texas at Austin Revised Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP): Policy Number 7-1310: Animals Used in Research, Teaching, and Testing Activities

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Handbook of Policies and Procedures (IACUC/HOPP)

Section 1: When is IACUC Approval Required?
Section 2: Requirements to be a PI and Certifications of the PI
Section 3: Requirements for All Research Personnel
Section 4: Protocol Submission and Review
Section 5: Post Approval Monitoring
Section 6: Animal Welfare Concerns, Noncompliance and Unanticipated Events
Section 7: Record and Information Policies
Section 8: Research Funding for Animal Use Protocols
Section 9: Ethical Considerations
Section 10: UT Austin IACUC
Section 11: Food Maintenance and Storage
Section 12: Cage Identification
Section 13: Holding Protocol Policy
Section 14: Use of Hazardous Materials in Animals
Section 15: Maintenance of Investigator‐Managed Procedure Areas
Section 16: IACUC Image and Recording Devices in Animal Research

IACUC Guidelines

These guidelines have been written to assist faculty, staff and students in performing vertebrate animal procedures in a humane manner and complying with pertinent regulatory requirements. Under some circumstances deviations from these procedures may be indicated but such variances must be approved in advance by the IACUC.

Guidelines for General Animal Use
Guidelines Specific to Animal Breeds/Types

001 Guidelines to Promote the Psychological Well-Being of Non-Human Primates (PDF)
003 Guidelines for the Use of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) for Rodent Euthanasia (PDF)
004 Guidelines for the Use of Cervical Dislocation for Rodent Euthanasia (PDF)
005 Guidelines for Animal Use in Human Subject Study Environments (PDF)
005 Appendix IACUC Written Description for Proposed Animal Use in Human Subject Study Environments (DOC)
006 Guidelines for Surgical and Anesthetic Procedures in Non-Rodent Mammals (PDF)
007 Guidelines for Surgical and Anesthetic Procedures in Rodents (PDF)
009 Guidelines for Maintenance of Tumors and Hybridomas in Rodents (PDF)
013 Guidelines for Tail and Toe Clipping Rodents (PDF)
017 Guidelines for the Social Housing and Environmental Enrichment of Laboratory Animals (PDF)
017 Appendix 1 - Guidelines on Housing Density and Environmental Enrichment for Mice (PDF)
017 Appendix 2 - Guidelines on Housing Density and Environmental Enrichment for Rats (PDF)
017 Appendix 3 - Guidelines on Housing Density and Environmental Enrichment for Rabbits (PDF)
017 Appendix 4 - Guidelines on Housing Density and Environmental Enrichment for Fish (PDF)
017 Appendix 5 - Guidelines on Housing Density and Environmental Enrichment for Wild Caught Rodents (PDF)
017 Appendix 6 - Guidelines on Housing Density and Environmental Enrichment for Hamsters and Gerbils (PDF)
019 Guidelines for the Use of Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment for Personnel Working with Non-Human Primates at UT-Austin (PDF)
021 Appendix 1 Guidelines for the Use of Fluid Regulation in Non-Human Primates (NHPs (PDF)
021 Appendix 2 Guidelines for Acclimation of Use of Food or Fluid Restrictions in Mice and Rats (PDF)
022 Guidelines for Analgesia Use in Rodents (PDF)
027 Guidelines for Surgical and Anesthetic Procedures in Fish and Amphibians (PDF)
030 Guidelines for Rodent Pathogen Testing Requirements for Biological Materials (PDF)
031 Guidelines for the Breeding, Weaning and Preventing Overcrowding of Rodent Cages (PDF)

ARC Policies and Guidance

These policies, procedures and guidance have been written by Animal Resources Center veterinarians and staff to be used as a resource for faculty, staff and students to provide guidance and best practices for animal users.

Campus Resources

The institutional policies and procedures of UT Austin are contained in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP). This HOP contains University administrative, financial and community policies, as well as certain University-level implementing procedures. These policies and procedures have been developed to supplement and clarify Regent policy and to incorporate specific requirements of federal, state and administrative rules and regulations.

Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines

These guidelines have been written by Environmental Health and Safety staff to be used as a resource for faculty, staff and students to provide guidance and best practices for animal users.

Principal Investigators (PIs) using controlled substances in their laboratory research (including research animals) are subject to extensive state and federal regulatory requirements.
Controlled Substances

Fieldwork is an important part of teaching and research at The University of Texas at Austin. Since fieldwork activities take you off campus, this guide is intended to help you plan and prepare for health and safety problems you might encounter in the field.
Safety Guidelines for Field Researchers

What to report: Near miss, Injury-illness (Condition or aggravation of an existing condition resulting from an event or exposure to hazards in the learning and/or work environment), Property damage and Spills.
Incident Reporting

EHS Guidance on anesthetic gas and chemical safety.
Anesthetic Gas Guidance and Chemical SOP Templates

Occupational Health Program

The following documents were created by HealthPoint OHP to assist researchers with personnel health-related topics.

Personnel who handle or conduct research with animals may be exposed to a variety of animal products. These animal products contain proteins that may be allergenic and can trigger an allergic reaction in some personnel and may lead to the development of asthma. The development of an allergic response to animal proteins while working with laboratory animals is an occupational risk that can require medical treatment and affect future career options.
Lab Animal Allergy Prevention – Information Guide

For work-related injuries, please complete an Incident Injury Memo and fax the form to OHP.
First Report of Incident Injury Memo

Institutional Biosafety Committee

The IBC approves and oversees the use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules and biohazardous materials, agents and toxins in all teaching, research or testing activities conducted by University facilities or research personnel. This includes the use of all genetically modified animals.

Check the IBC Policies and Procedures to see if your work requires registration with the IBC.

Federal Regulations, Policies and Guidelines

Regulatory Information 

Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations
Policy and regulations established by USDA in 2019

Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
Policy issued by National Institutes of Health in 2015

U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research and Training
Policy issued by National Institutes of Health in 2015

Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
Guidelines issued by National Research Council in 2011 (8th Edition)

Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research
Guidelines issued by National Research Council in 2003 (8th Edition)

AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2020 Edition
Guidance issued by American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) in 2020

Additional Reference Resources

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook
IACUC Guidebook published by ARENA/OLAW in 2002 (2nd Edition)

Laboratory Animal Management: Rodents
Report issued by National Research Council in 1996

Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
Find biosafety guidelines issued by CDC and U.S. National Institutes of Health

Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules
Biosafety guidelines published by National Institute of Health

Guidelines For Use Of Live Amphibians And Reptiles In Field And Laboratory Research
Guidelines published by American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in 2004

Guidelines To The Use Of Wild Birds In Research
Guidelines issued by The Ornithological Council in 2023

Fish Research and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Guidelines issued by Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources in 2003

Guidelines for the Use of Fishes in Research
Guidelines issued by American Fisheries Society in 2014

Guidelines of the American Society of Mammalogists for the Use of Wild Mammals in Research
Guidelines issued by American Society of Mammalogists in 2011

UT Alternatives Searching Guide
Guidance on how to complete robust alternative searches