Ain’t No Monty High Enough

By Johnny Holden
August 25, 2023

Monty Van Den Bossche Jr. is Senior IT Manager at the Office for Research, Scholarships and Creative Endeavors. Texan born and raised, Monty is married with two daughters and moved to Austin from Houston in the good old days. He is also a man of few words, as the following profile indicates.

Can you elaborate on some details about your role as Senior Information Technology Manager – day to day responsibilities, how you support staff in our office (and how we’d all admittedly be doomed without you)?

Whatever it takes to get people back to doing whatever it is that they do.

What's your favorite thing about your job/career?

I have always been a team player and so I love collaborating, not only with my fellow IT team members, but also faculty, staff and, sometimes, students. Realizing a common goal in a major project feels enormously satisfying and rewarding when its been a team effort.

Why did you choose to work at UT Austin?

I don't know why anyone would choose not to work at UT Austin. This is an amazing place. The research and various other stuff that goes on here is simply incredible. What starts here does change the world. I’m privileged to be a part of that.

Monty Van Den Bossche Jr.
Monty Van Den Bossche Jr. hanging out in one of his favorite places in West Texas, the town of Marfa. He is joined with local hero, Paladin the dog.

 What do you do when you’re not supporting the central IT and technological needs of the OVPR?

I love to play the guitar. When I was younger, I started out playing metal and punk (but really it’s all rock'n'roll to me) on an electric guitar and an amplifier. Over the years, I have transitioned to more mellow music and am more inclined to sit and play on my acoustic guitar these days. When I am trying to problem solve, I often pick up my guitar and start strumming and picking on the strings.

I love listening to all genres of music. Music is a huge part of my life. My wife can tell what kind of mood I am in based on the music I’m listening to. 

Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities outside of work – volunteering, organizations?

Both of my daughters (aged 14 and 16) play lacrosse. And, I love it. I am the first person to volunteer at every game, helping to set up/tear down the equipment, work the clock during games, act as the Game Day Administrator, and more. I love watching my girls play and seeing them grow as players.

Are you Texan? Are you from Austin? Is it still your town or has it changed beyond belief?

Definitely born and raised in Texas! I am from H-Town and moved to Austin with my wife in 2004 (back in the good ol’ days!)

Have you traveled? Do you have any favorite places, either here in Texas or beyond?

I love traveling out west to where the mountains are. West Texas has a special place in my heart. It is one of my favorite places to travel to.