Microscopy and Flow Cytometry

microscopy toppage

The Microscopy and Imaging Facility provides extensive microscopy equipment and services for ultra-structural analysis of a variety of sample types. The facility offers assisted use and training on its instrumentation and consultations on microscopy- and spectroscopy-related research.

Our facility is dedicated to providing access to both standard and high-end imaging instrumentation to all levels of users.

Please contact a member of our staff for inquiries about instrument specifications or to schedule training. We look forward to working with you.

For billing related questions, please contact Bryan Medina.

Publication Policy

Citations directly affect our core’s funding and help us measure our success.

Please acknowledge any use of our facility as follows: “[Instrument or service] was performed at the Center for Biomedical Research Support Microscopy and Imaging Facility at UT Austin (RRID:SCR_021756).”