
Ready to get started?

Please contact a member of our staff to start making plans that will suit your needs.  We welcome you to check out our services to get information about instrument specifications and training.  We look forward to working with you.

Training Request Form

Download the form here.

Reservation Calendar

Instruments can be reserved through FBS after training has been completed.


We consider all work done in our facility collaborative. Members of the M&I Facility staff are always happy to meet with students and their professors to discuss new projects, preparations, and analysis. Our expertise is at your disposal. If you are interested in a more extensive collaboration with the facility, please contact us. Such requests are considered case by case, on a variety of factors, including project direction, funding, and availability of staff and instrumentation.

Publication Policy

Please acknowledge any use of our facility as follows: “[Instrument or service] was performed at the Center for Biomedical Research Support Microscopy and Imaging Facility at UT Austin (RRID:SCR_021756).”

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